Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bamboo, Accelerating Reforestation!

The solution for stoping deforestation is to lower the rate in which we consume wood and the key for this is recycling and using this resource wisely, instead of wasting with junk mail and other useless things. Reforestation is also a must! I know that some trees take a long time to grow, but that is all we can do, right?!

An interesting and relevant "chapter of this book" that I was reading about the other day and could be extremely useful in helping to stop this predicament was about bamboo! Bamboo is one of the world’s most prolific and fastest-growing plants and is able to reach maturity in about four years, compared to the typical 25 to 70 years for commercial tree species in the U.S. There are over 1000 documented uses of bamboo. New innovations are taking place in home furnishings where bamboo is transformed into ply boards that match the properties of conventional wood. Bamboo is also being spun into luxurious fabrics for clothing and, coming soon, upholstery. I saw a bike made of bamboo and it looked really nice!

Bamboo is nature's most sustainable resource, is grown without pesticides or chemicals, is 100% biodegradable, and naturally regenerative. Bamboo is actually a tropical grass, with an extensive root system that sends out an average of four to six new shoots per year, naturally replenishing itself and growing to heights of 60 feet or more. Some bamboo species grow up to 4 feet per day and can be harvested every 3 to 4 years. Bamboo is also a critical element in the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as it helps restore degraded areas and generates more oxygen than an equivalent stand of trees. Bamboo lowers light intensity and protects against ultraviolet rays and is an atmospheric and soil purifier.

I am already a big fan!!! How about you?!

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