Monday, August 3, 2009

Going Green with the Greens!

Use a mix of processed vegetable skins, egg shells and meat bones to put in the lawn as a natural, recycled fertilizer.

Ants do not like coffee grind. I use it inside the house every time I notice some ants in the kitchen. They disappear! I put in the little nooks and cranes I see them going to. If you pierce a clove of garlic and put it in the garden, that will also avoid beetles. It is also natural and avoid the use of toxic and environmental harmful pesticides.

To keep his lawn looking good there is a product called Natures Magic that you can order online. Also there are two Soil Activators that can help the soil for your lawn and plants. The two are called Humic Acid and Seaweed. They helpe to improve good soil and its safe for our environment. Just mix them in water!

Bone meal, diatomaceous earth, and composed materials fortify the soils instead of commercial chemicals. Use plants that are drought and disease resistant. Use self-rising cornmeal to get rid of ants and plant certain flowers and plants that repel insects as well.

Replace all of the water loving plants for native plants that are drought resistant. Plant native grasses and wild flower from your area. You will notice more birds and small animals in your yard.

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