Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Obama Invests $2.4 Billion in Hybrid Car Technology

August 5th, 2009

President Obama’s administration announced $2.4 billion in grants to car companies and battery-makers, boosting the chant for US manufacturers to build new generation auto batteries for hybrid and plug-in cars. Michigan based companies received approximately half of the funds.

"If we want to reduce our dependence on oil, put Americans back to work and reassert our manufacturing sector as one of the greatest in the world, we must produce the advanced, efficient vehicles of the future," said Obama in Elkhart, Indiana.

Almost all battery manufacturing for advanced technology vehicles is currently based in Asia. US government is making a move on battery-powered vehicles, aiming to popularize the concept of small, non pollutant fuel efficient hybrid cars and electric car batteries. This fund should also optimize infrastructure necessary to allow drivers to bypass gas stations and charge their cars from the electric conductor.


  1. It is really necessary that we have a consistent governmental participation on this process so we can catch up with the Japanese.

  2. Right! Let's hope this will bring the results expected!
